Saturday, June 23, 2012

Home Repairing Ideas ~ Home Improvement - Refurbishment and ...

As energy costs continue to rise, there are many things you can do to increase energy efficiency in your home through home repair. There is much more emphasis these days on green living. There are many reasons to review your energy expenditures in your home and make home repairs to increase energy efficiency.
Cutting energy usage in your home is great for your finances and the planet. The first thing you want to do is conduct a home energy audit to determine where home repairs are needed. Once you have identified where you can make improvements, there are easy steps to take.
Home repair to make things more energy efficient in your home can start with lighting. Using energy efficient bulbs, or LED lighting,? can save an immense amount of money in your electrical bill. Changing lighting can be done by either changing out the bulbs for compact fluorescent bulbs or installing LED lights; you can reduce your energy use by 75%. The other option is to lower the wattage you are using in lamps and fixtures.
Sealing air leaks is a home repair that will save you a lot over time. By lowering the number of drafts in your home, you can effectively decrease your heating bill by 25% or more. Air leaks happen at doors, windows, air conditioning units, electrical outlets, lighting fixtures and a variety of other places in the home. These leaks can be easily fixed by adding caulking or better insulation around the windows and doors. The most prominent area for air leakage is in your attic.? Everywhere a wall meets, or a wire or pipe is run there is a chance for air to leave the home.? Keeping the air you pay to cool or heat inside the home is the most important home repair you can make.
Solar water heating installers are another area in which home repair can effectively decrease the levels of energy produced in your home. This is where a water heater that uses renewable energy can be a big benefit. These run on solar panels and heat water using the sun. Water heaters are the second largest expense regarding your energy bill.
Another home repair to consider is replacing the heating and cooling systems in your home. Anything that is older than 15 years is very inefficient. New energy efficient systems can save you a great deal of money. Sealing and insulating ducts will also help reduce energy costs. Adding programmable thermostats can help to reduce the levels of heating and cooling the home.??

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