Sunday, March 24, 2013

Israel?s Absurd Apology to Turkey for Turkish-HAMAS Terrorism: Why Did Nothingyahu Do It? (& Promise to Pay $s to Turk Terrorists? Families!)

By Debbie Schlussel

Why did Israeli Prime Minster Binyamin Netanyahu apologize to Turkey on Friday for the ?crime? of Israelis defending themselves against Islamic terrorists who came from Turkey (and America), all while Barack Obama looked on? What was the threat Obama held over Netanyahu?s head or the carrot he promised in return for this remarkable display of appeasement and capitulation to Islamic terrorists? It was certainly one . . . or the other. Either way, Netanyahu had a duty to his people to tell Obama two words: ?Hell no!? Or two letters: FU. But no. Now, Netanyahu is Obama?s wimpy little bitch. And he?s promised that Israel will pay big money to the families of the dead Turkish terrorists.



Israel Apologized to HAMAS Ally: HAMAS PM Khaled Meshaal w/ Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan

In May 2010, Turkish friends of HAMAS invaded Israeli waters on the Mavi Marmara ship. They were part of a HAMAS flotilla intent on provoking Israel and delivering contraband to HAMAS in Gaza. Israeli soldiers and navy men boarded the ship, as any country would, and they were immediately attacked?stabbed with knives, hammers, and other deadly weapons. Some of the soldiers were even thrown overboard by these terrorists. But they attacked the wrong country, because Israelis responded, and nine of the Turkish HAMASniks died. Israel was defending itself against interlopers who were aiding and abetting terrorists. Israel should not apologize to Turkey and its extremist Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. It should be the other way around. This was an act of war, and international law (as well as the anti-Israel United Nations) backed Israel?s actions.

Would America apologize to Turkey, if it sent a ship full of armed Al-Qaeda aliens into U.S. waters to provoke America? No way. Not even under Obama. Instead, we have done the same thing Israel did and probably far more. We?d probably have attacked the ship with gunfire and missiles, and everyone on it would have died.

So why on earth would Netanyahu walk this plank? Why grovel to terrorists and their chief Turkish defender, Erdogan? Some reports say that it is important to have a U.S.-Israel-Turkey alliance in fighting Syrian leader Bashar Assad. Utter BS. Israel should stay out of the Syrian morass. And so should we. If Obama wants to make that mistake, as he did in Libya and Egypt, as Bush did in Iraq and Gaza and Pakistan, then tough luck for him. Israel shouldn?t have to pander to terrorists to help him make this monumental mistake.

A friend of mine in the know says this was done to show Iran that Turkey and Israel are friends again and, ?don?t mess with us.? I?m not buying it. Turkish leader Erdogan has a long history of sympathizing with HAMAS?having several love-fests with HAMAS leader Khaled Meshaal?and supporting extremists within and without his country. He?s not going to be any friendlier to Israel because of this silly, embarrassing, undeserved apology. Heck, as I told you a while ago, Israel is already giving Turkey all kinds of weaponry that it developed that can later be used against Israel. And that didn?t change Erdogan?s tune. The apology won?t, either. Erdogan knows that his country is growing ever extremist and that he needs to sing the extremists? song to stay in power. And that won?t change.

And, since Israel didn?t apologize in the nearly three years since the attack, why now? What did Obama do or say or promise or threaten to get this inappropriate contrition? What it could possibly be, since Congress is far more pro-Israel than the President, and the U.S. Congress would not allow America to pull aid to Israel or other cooperation with our closest friend and ally in the Middle East (or anywhere else)?

And why didn?t Netanyahu just say no?

We may never find out the answer. Sadly, we know for sure that, yet again, Israel?s strength and bravery was taken down another notch. And the Muslim world is laughing. Apologies like this breed contempt, not respect. When will Israel learn?

This apology didn?t change a thing, other than chip away more at Israel?s once strong and courageous stance against terrorism. Now, Israel is apologizing to the terrorists and their sponsors and friends.

If only Netanyahu?s phone service broke down, instead of Obama?s limo.

How sad that, on the eve of Passover, today?s Jews are bowing down to the West?s Pharoabama and the Turks? Pharoah.

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