Monday, March 4, 2013

Baby Bump Update | the candace

Still playing catch up, yay!

Now that it?s finally official ? I?m growing a human ? I?m sure you?can?t wait?to be inundated with all things baby. ?Should we let the nonsense and self-indulgence begin?

Main scoop:?We hustled around visiting family and friends in Minnesota (we even squeezed in a baby shower!) and then drove straight from the airport right into a hectic work week. (After surviving a blizzard that closed down the Denver airport for a few hours.) Although lovely, everything about this week was ridiculously tiring.

Speaking of the shower, we got loads of adorable baby girl clothes (how can you resist?), but my sister-in-law snuck in this awesome outfit just for me. I LOVE IT. I?m telling you, stripes and baby bumps go together like my MIL?s homemade hot chocolate and whip cream.

The Science:?Baby Center recap ? 33 weeks.?She?s way longer than a footlong sub sandwich (can you tell I?m hungry?), clocking in around 17 inches according to Baby Center. Even when she?s twisting up my insides with her Harlem Shake, I still love to feel her move and watch her. She fills me up with so much love and heartburn.

Body morphing:?Weight gain is back up to 15lbs. I?m really feeling this extra weight in my back and legs, mostly because I?m on my feet all day. My toes have been cramping again in the evenings but haven?t turned into full blown leg cramps thankfully.

Sexy stuff!?Of course I battled poo troubles while travelling back to Minnesota. The doc warned to stay extra hydrated but it?s so hard when you are a nervous lady and hustling from car to shuttle to plane to car to a different house each night.

Food drama:?I made myself sick one night in Minnesota, eating too much too late and guzzling too much coffee. I had to sleep on my MIL?s couch, propped up with pillows and Tums, after spending time hurling in the bathroom. I realize I should know better but my nerves and poo drama encouraged me to make poor choices.

Exercising??My only exercise this week was hanging out at the baggage claim, finding restrooms and getting nervous for my baby shower.

To Dos:?Now that my stint in retail is over, I get to focus only on baby butts and coaching my track kids. I?m so lucky. I?m looking forward to enjoying a slower pace before this little angel squirts out of my uterus and things get rowdy up in here again.

And randomly:?We only have one more week of our birthing class. The class is (mostly) helpful and I was hoping to meet a few local mommy friends at the same time. But I?m a snob. Can I vent for a second? You see, Hubs and I managed to make it to class on time, despite our frantic day/week. But not this one couple?

We waited for them. I?m mean, it?s the right thing to do. (Is it?) Plus, it?s no big deal for a pregnant lady like myself whose EFFIN back hurts. A pregnant lady who has an early morning and long day of travel ahead of her the very next day. ?A pregnant lady who thinks a class from 6.30 to 9.30pm is already way past her bedtime. A pregnant lady that has been away from home and on her feet for twelve hours already. A pregnant lady who hasn?t been home all week, in fact. A pregnant lady who is constipated.

After 20 minutes, we decided to go ahead and get started by reviewing a few things. I?m thankful for the exercise, I didn?t realize how much I had forgotten. I started to relax and settle in. Then guess who shows up, slurping their pop and chowing down on their McDonalds? Yep. Do you know how good McDonalds smells when you?ve snarfed down a crappy dinner of randomness because you have no decent food in the house, haven?t bothered to grocery shop since you?ll be gone for a week and WERE TRYING TO MAKE IT TO CLASS ON TIME? Do you know how loud rustling for rogue fries is? Do you know how much I love fries? Do you know waiting 25 minutes for almost anything makes me angry?

So, we started the review OVER for their benefit. Guess who pays no attention to the instructor anyway, talking and joking and cuddling with each other? Yeah, these guys. It was INFURIATING. The fact that the dude wears too much cologne and the girl talks in a whiny baby voice to him (which he can barely hear and constantly asks her to repeat) has no real impact but irks the crap out of me anyway.

Speaking of being late (hypocrite?much?), this post is a few days overdue (just like a good friend of mine). Let?s hope we both get back on schedule. You can do it, Emily!!!


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