Friday, July 20, 2012

Good and Evil are relative concepts

As I browse the internet, engage in real life philosophical discussions and other activities, I always come across people claiming to be good. Though personally, through thought and observation, I had concluded that good and evil are relative. They depend on the view of the individual or the culture of a people. In a theistic way, dogma religions claim to know whats right or wrong, but I must disagree with these as I do not see murder, exploitation or ruining someones life as good.

Personally, I see charity, help, love, freedom/liberty as good things while everything that is willful harm is evil. For example: I care for my environment and as a smoker I avoid smoking in crowd and I avoid littering. But I am constantly accused of harming people due to the hysteria and exaggeration of passive smoke. If I smoke on my balcony in a 300 inhabitant village about 20km away from a city, it wont affect anybody in that city since tobacco smoke disperses after a maximum of five meters causing nearly no harm.

Or as a polytheist, the dogma religion constantly accuse me of adultery, devil-worship or other nonsense. Ones belief or non-belief doesn't say anything about their personality. Even though I tend to have a slight tendency against Christian and Muslim belief, I do not let that affect my judgement of other people as I do have found good friends who are Christian or Muslim. I even know a satanist who is probably the kindest, most charitable and honest woman I have ever met. It might seem odd for someone who is so great in personality to be a satanist, where people often hear of blood sacrifices and such although this might not be true about them.

Or in a politcal direct, liberals see conservatives as bad and vice versa. Or that people automatically link nationalsocialism to racism although I know nationalsocialists who have black friends (mainly because the view people who share language and culture as brethren instead of judging people by race).

How do you feel about this?

Note: Do not give any quotes from a theological book. Speak for yourself if you have free will, dont let a book speak for you.


giants vs saints suh suh lindsey vonn lindsey vonn josef stalin kourtney and kim take new york

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