Friday, July 27, 2012

Video: Pennsylvania is 9th state to enact voter ID law

>>> they won a vote and a pennsylvania voter i.d. law could get in the way. democrats in montgomery county just northwest of federphiladelphia are holding an event tomorrow for anyone who needs an i.d. card .

>> good afternoon, richard, how are you?

>> very well, thank you. last night you had a packed forum in the area to help edge case those interested in understanding what the requirements are to register to vote and the voter i.d. requirements. how did that go?

>> well, we had 200 people there. fundamentally and unfortunately i think most of the people that were there were democrats. the republicans don't seem to be so worried about it. but the fact is that it went well except for the fact that it continued to cause -- the answers caused a tremendous amount of confusion. nobody really understands exactly what it is that they can and cannot present. people are scared in terms of -- i had94-year-old man come to me recently who was really upset. he had voted since he was 21 years old, 73 years. he didn't know what to do because he couldn't drive anymore, he didn't have a driver's license. it was troubling him tremendously just to go out and try to get a picture i.d. was becoming a problem for him.

>> what did you tell him?

>> i told him as it turned out we went -- i sat down with him, went through his wallet and found a picture i.d. he could utilize. but he had a tremendous amount of anxiety.

>> he didn't know that he actually had the proper i.d.

>> no. he lost his license two years ago because of his age.

>> i understand you have another event tomorrow.

>> i we do. we have a clinic in the western part of the county. we're teaching people how to go door knocking, getting mailers ready. the problem is we have to contact every single voter. a lot of voters who think they have the i.d. may not. it's not just the i.d. but the names on the voter i.d. card may be different than on their driver's license.

>> there is a logistical problem certainly that you're seeing at the moment. give as you sense here, you're on the ground there. the philadelphia city paper is saying up to 20% of pennsylvania voters could be disenfranchised as a result of these voter i.d. laws. that's on the higher end of what we've heard in the past and the number swells to 43% in philadelphia. what's your sense of how large of a problem this is?

>> look, this is a solution looking for a problem. it goes against the very essence of our democracy. it's immoral, it's unethical and it's wrong. in montgomery county , which is very affluent, we believe it will probably affect somewhere around 9% of the population in terms of of the registered voters or about 48,000. and some of those people will be able to figure it out and some won't and it's just an absolute mess. the governor when asked questions about what kind of i.d. should be -- was okay, couldn't answer the question himself. it's his legislation.

>> marcel, on the flip side the "new york times," nate silver , says that the voter i.d. law in pennsylvania could potentially swing the vote towards the gop by about 1.2%. are those other numbers not very accurate?

>> i'm not sure. clearly the legislation has only one purpose and that is to help the republicans and hurt the democrats. but what it does is it hurts senior, it hurts young people , people who don't drive. i think what is also done for us is it's really motivated our people. we will be knocking on every single door in this county. we are calling every single day going through with folks to understand and we're going to try to minimize that and hope that the courts do the root thing and declare this law unconstitutional, which is what it is. marcel groen, thank you for your time today.

>> thank you for having me.


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