Thursday, July 5, 2012

Hipster-Lander (1x1)

We Have Existed For Many Years. We have perfected ourselves in the 90's, and since have been going strong today, in 2012...

In the 1940's, we began our prototype form. In the 50's, we came most well known in the style of the beatniks. But in the 60's, we failed with our experiment as the 'hippies.' But then, we perfected ourselves in the 1990's. We don't follow your 'mainstream' bullshit and conformity: Our goal has been to life as alternatively as possible, to find creative new ways to experience life, in fashion, writing, and other forms of artwork. We're the people who're usually blogging about organic foods or corporate america, and then finishing that so we can drink our cup of latte. We mix up our outfits, always trying to make something new.

You've Probably Never Heard of the things we do, are into, or the big thing that goes on between us. See, we Hipsters have two forces of our little universe: Originality, and Conformity. Conformity Fricken' sucks, man, cos' it means you don't have a thing about you original. You just followed the ways of another blatantly, and that's totally not cool. Originality however, is the polar opposite, and happens to be the goal of a true Hipster. We try to live differently from others, and follow the path of new, alternative lifestyles to achieve this dream. We believe there is a cosmic energy within all Hipsters that can go either way, driving us to the greatness of creativity, or the depths of being a fuckin' 'tard who can't even come up with his own ideas. We call it, 'The Glow.' Glow Energy is a sacred thing for us, allowing us to write blogs, finish our newest fashion set for the day, and that sort of thing. It also powers magic spells, psychic powers, and such, radiating itself throughout the universe.

It is this reason that the glow can cause people to become unoriginal that our story takes place: Some have become outraged by this unoriginality in the beginning of the current hipster in the 90's, and decided to make it a Hipster crime to purposely be unoriginal, labeling them as criminals, and being allowed to be targeted by other Hipsters. Even Hipster Criminals can go up against each other. That's really how bad it is! (Criminals turning in other criminals have a big chance to get pardoned, and have another chance to push away the evils of the mainstream world).

We Are?




The last essence of imagination, the last rebels against following a set procedure or routine. We are who we are.

In addition, combat between hipsters has rules of engagement, and a detailed, constantly growing hipster-pedia that can be accessed via smart phone, tablet, or computer. Here are some of the first rules of engagement:


1. A. B. C. (Accusations Before Conflict)

Never engage in full throttle fighting without accusing the other of being an unoriginal ripoff. It is an even larger crime to accuse and attack someone who truly is original, however...

2. E. T. S. (Exclude the Secular)

All those who have nothing to do with anything Hipster related, they are to be left out. The universal forces of Conformity will not help the true quest of a proper hipster.

3. U. T. G. (Use The Glow!)

The Glow is open to your use, whatever ability you have, whether you be psychic, a caster of spells, whatever, for nearly any use!

And maybe more to come?...


The Armoury.

The ultimate Geek-shop. comic books, collectables, toys, video games, and all other sorts of things. Taking up a whole building for one of its Tokyoronto city locations, it was a haven for the lost, the bullied, the bored, and all the others who were puzzle pieces that needed to find a place to fit. Tokyoronto City itself was just that one weird place you know about on the map, but don't really talk about much. Nice stops for tourists and all, but otherwise, you're rather go to Disney world instead or something. Seriously. Go there. It may be expensive, but you should go there instead, trust me.

Here was where Hipsters had, in the last few years, had taken up as an area to hang-out in. They took in the comic books and video games as their own, needing that alternative fiction source between television and reading novels with comics, or outside the box with video games. Some even live in the building, in the areas of the store most do not go to. Beyond the store, there are offices, lounges, apartments, and other such things. Stuff which makes the building surprisingly more interesting than most people are led to believe.


Down by the comic book section, a young man by the name of Jack McCoy was sitting on a box full of crappy NES games, the brown container marked as such with sharpie pen, as he held a pile of games, both old and new, Sega Genesis to the PS3 by his side. Some of them included imported games that were only released in other countries, mostly games sold in Britain and Japan. These games were accompanied by some comic books he was interested in reading, as he began to read through a collected edition of 'Action Comics Weekly,' which, as its title suggested, was a weekly magazine that depicted the adventures of powerful titans in a mix of clashing and matching colors throughout the world and beyond.

Presently, he was reading about how one such titan, superman, was handing the ass of an alien conquerer named mongul back to the man, followed by a story on green lantern fighting a weirdo named Lord Malivolio. And this was in one 40+ page issue. He had about 20-30-ish more issues to cover. This would take quite some time?

Oh, right, right. Jack stood at about 5,11. He looked like he was a whole 6ft though at the first look you take of him. He had short black hair that was spiked in the front, dark brown eyes, and caucasian skin on an athletic build that had some muscle on it, this he attributed to his skill in combat, used so far only on a couple of other hipsters. He was dressed in a red t-shirt under a dark blue sleeveless jacket, and tucked into a pair of dark blue pants, held up by a black leather belt with a silver buckle in a rectangular shape, the image of a fireball on it. On his feet were black hi-top sneakers with white trimming, and for his arms, black terry cloth wristbands, for where else, but his wrists.

"Yellow Sun?Hm?"


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